CREST Monthly Updates


Edison, NJ, April 30, 2019, Zoning Board Approval
Project: Zoning board approval for Sai Data Cultural Center in Edison, NJ.

Monroe Township, April 30, 2019, Zoning Board Approval
Project: CEP Solar Farm in an old mining pit.

Millstone Township, April 10, 2019, Site Plan Approval
Project: Site Plan Approval of Trampoline Building at Black Bear Day Camp – Add On Approval.


Latest Construction Stakeouts

House Rebuilds

Home Raising
New Houses

Do You Need a Plot Plan for an Addition?

If you wish to put an addition on your home that you WILL need a plot plan. What is a plot plan, it is a plan for your plot of land!

A plot plan is a small site plan of your lot showing what physical features are on your lot. An engineer will add the proposed addition based upon a plan by an architect. The way the lands slopes are shown. Modifications may need to be made to provide proper drainage. Dimensions to the property lines are shown to make sure the addition is not too close to the property line.

This plan is submitted with your architectural plans for a building permit. Hire CREST to prepare your plot plan.