CREST Monthly Updates


Somerville, NJ September 26, 2018 – Preliminary & Final Site Plan Approval
Project: Redevelopment of an 11.3 acre site with 159 sf building and associated parking.
Site Plan One and Two Bedroom Apartments in Townhouse Style Buildings with Amenities.


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Site Redevelopment in Somerville, NJ

On Wednesday night, September 26, 2018, Kirby Village in Somerville, NJ received preliminary and final site plan approval. The project consists the redevelopment of the 11.3 acre Baker and Taylor site with a 159,000 sf building and associated parking constructed in the 60’s and occupied until around 2002, The preliminary and final site plan approval consists of 174 one and two bedroom apartments in 15 townhouse style buildings. Amenities include a community center, a pool, a tot lot and a dog walking area. See complete site plan here.
